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How to write html code in blog post?

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This is really complex task for every blogger to write html in blog post.Wordpress has direct facility to embed html in blog post but Blogger has not such a facility so how you can post html in blog?

This is very simple modification in your code but it will be big task if you have very large html file.

Here is code to allow you post your html code in blog.Replace

< with &lt;
> with &gt;
& with &amp;
with &nbsp;
¢ with &cent;
£ with &pound;
¥ with &yen;
with &euro;
§ with &sect;
© with &copy;
® with &reg;

In standard html, &amps; is always represented by &amps; .Therefore you will have to use html knowledge.Replace all html character with entity name.That's it.If you want to write entity name in blog post then you have to write entity name in this way &amp; entity name.

If you face problem,contact me.I will resolve your issue.

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