Make easy money with PaidViewpoint
Make easy money with PaidViewpoint
This is another paid to survey website. I rate this as very good website to make money online. You will get paid for your opinion and paid for filling survey. PaidViewpoint is operated by Ask Your Target Market. AYTM, with your help, is revolutionizing the market research industry by making quality market research easily accessible and affordable to businesses large and small everywhere.
What is PaidViewpoint?
PaidViewpoint is the market research survey site built upon 4 principles:
- We pay cash for every completed market research survey.
- We never screen you out once you've been invited into a survey.
- We've cracked the code that takes "boring" out of the survey answering experience.
- Privacy – we never ask you to register your real name or complete physical address.
How do you become a member of PaidViewpoint?
Go to PaidViewpoint website and click for register. Fill your details and that is it. It is open for all nationals. One important point I want to share you, keep your mobile correct because while you withdraw your reward, they will verify your mobile, and if you change your mobile, your earning will become zero.
What is payment method and required threshold?
All cash-out payments are made through Paypal, without any exceptions. We apologize if you live in a country that Paypal doesn't serve. You can still belong to PaidViewpoint and participate, but you may need to find a friend or relative who resides in a Paypal-acceptable country to receive your earnings. The threshold required to qualify for cash-out is only $15 USD. Once that level is reached, the cash-out button in your account becomes functional. After you click "cash-out", we will process your request, and you can expect to see the funds in your PayPal account within 72 hours.
Join PaidViewpoint and get to sign up bonus $1. Make easy money with PaidViewpoint because there is no screen out for paid survey and there is an everyday survey. Join PaidViewpoint here and Get more paid for survey website at online work for all.
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Thursday, December 29, 2011 | 0 Comments
Rewardme- Exclusive place for free sample
Rewardme- Exclusive place for free sample
Wish you a happy and prosperous merry Christmas to all my readers. Now a days I am quite busy with my other website design and arranging contents for those websites and soon my readers will get a lot of freebies, free offers, free samples and easy way to make money online. Today I am going to share one free rewarding website where you can get a lot of free products, free samples. In one word, bundle of freebies.
RewardMe is the place for the exclusive few, those discerning fashionistas at the fore, who demand to be in the know-how about the latest beauty and grooming products and tips about what’s fashion fab.
How do I register on RewardMe and who is eligible for this?
Visit RewardMe website. Click on the Registration link and fill in all the details requested. You will receive a verification code on your mobile phone. Please log in with your user name and password to enter the verification code and your registration will be complete. It is very essential to give the correct contact details
as all the communication will be sent to the details provided. Samples will also be dispatched to the address given. Discount offers and other mails would be sent to your e-mail id and mobile. Offer and sample is available for only Indian national and one account per family is restricted.
How do I request for a sample?
Log into RewardMe site and click on 'Get Free Samples'. Once you land on the Sampling Page, please share your address details, select the brand that you wish to sample. Answer three simple questions and confirm your sample request. One member can request for only one sample per product. However, you may choose to order all the samples at one time.
When and who can get free sample?
You will get your samples within 8 to 10 weeks of placing the request. In case of any delay You can visit ‘Write to us’ section and write specific complaints regarding your samples or you can email to register a complaint. All registered members who have completed their registration by entering the authentication code that was sent on the mobile can order samples.
Join Rewardme- Exclusive place for free sample and place your free samples. Get more freebies at how to make money online.
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Sunday, December 25, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid to share content with friends-VIRURL
Get paid to share content
This is one of the easiest way to make easy money online and get paid to share content with friends, get paid to share on facebook and twitter. I am not making a joke, this is true. You can make good income with money making programs. I do not want to keep my readers in dark and this program is VIRURL. Virurl is alternative of mylikes program.
What is criteria to become member of VIRURL?
There is no any strict rules to become member of this website. You only need to be 18years old.
How do you get paid to share content?
You will get paid to share content, get paid to share content on your Facebook, twitter and sharing URL. This is quite easy way to make money. Share the link and your friends click shared link and you get paid for this. You will get paid 2 to 5 cents per click based on content. Some of the contents are demographical based and you will get paid when user from that region or country clicks. You will get paid for sharing your referral link. Suppose you shared 5 links and you got 100 clicks per link. Your total click will become 500 and you will get paid $10-$25 per day and monthly $300-$750.
What is payment terms and condition?
You will get paid once your account balance reaches to $20 and payment will be delivered via Paypal. If you do not have account, open your free paypal account here. Paypal is your online bank.
If you are really looking to make money online and online work for all has brought correct programs to get paid for share content. Join VIRURL now and get $5 in your account instant.
Note- If you sign up under me , I will share you secret method to make easy money via VIRURL. This is available only for serious member.
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Sunday, December 04, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for doing small tasks and micro jobs
Get paid for doing small tasks and micro jobs-
Сlоud Сrоwd is а рlасе whеrе уоu саn еаrn inсоmе bу соmрlеting jоbs оr tаsks or micro tasks. This website is online for past 2 years and it is confirmed paying.
"Wе bring together соmраniеs thаt nееd wоrk dоnе with реорlе whо wаnt tо work and gеt раid. Whеn а соmраnу givеs us а рrоjесt, wе brеаk it dоwn intо а smаllеr sеt оf tasks thаt уоu соmрlеtе using оur Fасеbооk аррliсаtiоn. Yоu sеlесt thе tаsks уоu'd like tо wоrk оn, аnd аrе раid thе nеxt businеss dау viа РауРаl fоr еасh tаsk уоu соmрlеtе correctly."
This is other alternative paid micro job website, you will get more micro paid website here.
Рорulаritу: Сlоud Crоwd hаs 49908 trаffiс rаnk in wоrld bу аlеxа. Сlоudсrоwd.соm is gеtting 22040 раgе viеws реr dау аnd mаking USD 66.12 dаilу.
Сlоud Сrоwd рауs уоu tо соmрlеtе а numbеr оf tаsks inсluding:
- Lооking fоr еmаil аddrеssеs аnd businеss рrоfilеs
- Evаluаting imаgеs
- Editing аnd rеviеwing соntеnt
- Trаnslаtiоn wоrk (usuаllу Gеrmаn/Frеnсh tо Еnglish аnd viсе vеrsа)
- Writing summаriеs
Yоu nееd а Fасеbооk ассоunt in оrdеr tо wоrk fоr this. Оnсе уоu аrе соnnесtеd tо оur аррliсаtiоn, уоu саn stаrt wоrking. Whеn уоu соnnесt tо Fасеbооk Аррliсаtiоn fоr thе first timе, уоu will nееd tо give permission to login. Yоu саn sign uр аt Сlоud Сrоwd withоut а РауРаl ассоunt. Yоu'll just nееd оnе tо gеt раid оnсе уоu соmрlеtе уоur first аррrоvеd tаsk. If уоu dоn’t аlrеаdу hаvе а РауРаl ассоunt, sign uр fоr уоur frее оnе hеrе.
Hоw does it Wоrk?
Once you logged in, you will see many micro tasks available to do. Select those tasks which you can complete easily. Whеn уоu rеfеr реорlе tо this, Сlоud Crоwd will рау уоu fоr а реrсеntаgе оf thе wоrk thеу dо.
Join Get paid for doing small tasks and micro jobs now and start making easy money online.
We are scam free website for online work for all. You can report any scam program through contact form.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011 | 0 Comments
Dollarinbux Highest paid PTC website
Dollarinbux Highest paid PTC website- Are you looking for crazy and lazy money? Do simple 2 minutes work daily and make more than $3 daily without any much effort. This will grow day by day if you share more and more people. This is a new PTC(paid to click) website which is getting more popular day by day and growing everyday and 100 of new members joining every day. This is Dollarinbux.
The features of Dollarinbux-
- Earn up to $0.25 per click
- Earn up to $0.017 per referral click
- Cheapest referral price
- Enjoy INSTANT payments with AlertPay and Liberty Reserve
- We have one year subscription so you can invest here without any hesitation
Payment Mode- You will get payment once you earn $20 in your account. You can get payment with AlertPay and Liberty Reserve. This is for standard account and if you upgrade your account, it will be instant payment.
This is really good PTC(aid to click) and PTR(Paid to read) website to make some handsome money and currently open for 10k members to get $2 instant payment. Join Dollarinbux here.
Note-This is scam.Avoid to join. Keep visiting how to make money online for new money making opportunity.
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Monday, October 31, 2011 | 0 Comments
15 minutes free phone calls across the world
How do you get free call?
If you are new user, you will get total (5+15) 20 minutes call free.
To try Rebtel, you will get 5 minutes call free, then once you download Rebtel PC application, you will get extra 15 minutes. Once you download PC application, you send an email to Rebtel customer care that you have downloaded PC application and you are looking for 15 minutes free call.
How does it work?
Once you register your mobile with Rebtel and call to your friend via online Rebtel portal or Rebtel application, Rebtel will call to your mobile and connect your mobile to your friend or your relatives.
This offer is limited for few days only. So grab free call to anyone and anywhere. Link to get your freebie free calls - Rebtel
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011 | 0 Comments
Data Entry Worker Required-Work From Home
Data Entry Worker required- Data entry work is demand in the market but it is very difficult to find genuine data entry work. We, have opened hiring of data entry worker.
Do you want to be your own boss? Do you want to work from home? If your answer is yes, come along with us.
Who is eligible for this data entry work(work from home)?
- Your nationality should be Indian or Nepali(Other countries currently sorry).
- You should have computer and Internet at your home.
- You should have good typing skill.
- You should have some computer knowledge and brain.
- Technical knowledge is an extra benefit.
Working days- You will have to work 6 days in a week and Sunday will be holiday.
If you work on Sunday, you will be paid for holiday.
Payment- Payment will be the best in data entry industry. Payment will be deposited to your bank account at the last day of month.
Eligible candidate can send their profile to rrkjaiswal63(at)onlinework4all(dot)com for selection. Once you are short listed, 1day training will be provided so that you can work effectively. All necessary software will be also provided.
Apply for data entry work ASAP.
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Saturday, September 24, 2011 | 0 Comments
Paid to read SMS message at 1rupeesms
Paid to read SMS message-
Are you looking to earn lazy money? You do not have to do for this, only you have to register the website and inform your interest. I am going to explain in details about this money making programs. 1rupeesms is India's best online SMS add advertisements web site. 1rupee SMS Offer earns money from home, earn money online at your home.
How to become member?
Go to 1rupeesms online money earnings site and sign up for earn money online, once you sign up at 1rupeesms, it provide life time validity and you can earn money from home and also you can send free SMS online to your friends.
Get Paid to Receive SMS the concept is very transparent and good support from the company.
It's really amazing to earn money this way. It is good for all. Company gets targeted customers and future customers. Customers and readers get interested stuff information. Website owners gets money to pass information to customers.
Why to choose 1rupeesms?
- Earn money for reading ads on your mobile
- Get free SMS ads of only those products that you want to buy
- Get ads at your convenience
- Save money through discount coupons and offers
- Earn much more money by inviting family and friends
Do not miss to join paid to read SMS message. Join now and get extra benefit. Join paid to read SMS message and learn the way how to make money online.
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Friday, August 12, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get free VPN especially for onlinework4all readers
- First send a mail to "" and subject in mail is "vpnod" and body "Can I please get free VPN?"
- Once you send mail, you will get your VPN credential.
- Configure your VPN, Configuration link is at home page Configure based on your operating system.
- Configuration is done successfully, click for connect. Now you are done.
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Friday, July 29, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get free 60 minutes international call at Skype
Get free 60 minutes international call at Skype-
Again a good freebie for all my readers. A new freebie and best one because it is for everyone(international freebies) and everyone likes to talk with their relatives and friends who is far.
Ifeelgoods is offering free 60 minutes call worth $.162 dollar absolutely free. This offer is limited for few days.
How to get free 60 minutes international call at Skype?
- Go to this page Ifeelgoods App
- Like this page
- Click for voucher code at same screen (You will get voucher code to your registered mail also)
- Go to Skype, login to your account or create a new account
- Go to this link Redeem Voucher
- Enter your voucher code and submit
Get free 60 minutes international call at Skype as soon as possible because this free offer will stay longer.
Keep visiting how to make money online blog to get more freebies.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get $1 cheap domain at Godaddy
How can you get Godaddy $1 cheap domain?
Go to Godaddy website . Choose your favorite available domain .Register your account at Godaddy if you do not have any account at Godaddy.While check out , enter Godaddy promo code- 'PATRIOT1". Confirm your domain.
This promotional campaign is limited for few days only so grab your Godaddy $1 cheap domain as soon as possible. I just purchase one domain INDIEHOTVIDEO.COM. Go to Godaddy now.
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Sunday, July 03, 2011 | 0 Comments
Highest paid survey Evansadata

Highest paid survey Evansadata - Paid survey companies have grown a lot in past few years in order to meet demands from manufacturing companies. I have personally signed up more that 100 paid survey,paid for opinion and paid for review programs. I am constantly getting good income from these paid survey programs . Evansdata is the highest paid survey program I have found. This is IT or technical based paid survey program.
Evans Data Corporation was created to fill the demand for market research, market intelligence, and strategic planning in the software development industry.
Who can join Evansdata?
If you are from technology field means IT , you can join this highest paid survey. This is open for all national. This is absolutely free to join.
How do you get paid?
You will get email to registered mail id about new survey, once you complete survey. You will get points for each survey . Each survey points varies from 1500-6000 points. 1500 points is equal to $1. You can redeem your earning as an Amazon gift voucher or Itunes gift voucher.
Currently Evansdata are looking for more genuine reviewer , join highest paid survey Evansdata here and make your voice heard.
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Monday, June 27, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for listening music-Musicxray

Get paid for listening music
We people love to listen music but what we get in return.We feel relax and have good time to listen. If we get paid for listening music, how will be it. I have one nice program where you will get paid for listening music and providing review. This is Musicxray website which pay for each song you listen.
Is this free to Join Musicxray?
This is free to join and you can participate in focus group to earn money for listening music.This is just 1 minute form that you have to complete to become member of this program.
How does this work?
Singer and sponsor company provide songs to this website. This website allows us to register its website and we body listen music. Sponsor pays to website for review of their music and website pays to members.
What is about payment?
You will get paid for each song you listen.This can vary from $.05 to $1 per song. Once your account reaches to $20, you will get paid to your paypal account.
Join Musicxray here and get paid for listening music.Only genuine paid programs by how to make money online
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Sunday, June 19, 2011 | 0 Comments
Freebie TajMahal Tea Sample

Freebie TajMahal Tea Sample , a new freebie for all .Currently they are running free sample for three varieties of flavors Lemon, Cardamom and Ginger.
How to get this Freebie TajMahal Tea Sample?
- Visit TajMahal Tea website.
- Fill your details and click for submit.
Promotion quote for these samples is
"With an exotic choice of flavours , your morning will never be the same again."
Try your day with free sample of TajMahal.Get your Freebie TajMahal Tea Sample here.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011 | 0 Comments
Freebie heathy start sample from Britannia

Freebie heathy start sample from Britannia is a new freebie products for Indian community but sorry guy, this free products,free sample or freebie is available only for Mumbai residents.
Wake up to a freebie heathy start sample from Britannia features:
Well being, convenience and happier breakfasts - Presenting Britannia healthful begin. A scrumptious array of prepared-to-cook breakfast mixes like Pohas, Upmas, Oats and Porridges. healthful, scrumptious and prepared in only 5 minutes. It combines the organic nutrition of multigrains, one hundred% actual vegetables, pulses, nuts and mouthwatering spices, giving your household the healthful begin they require every day.
What makes Britannia healthful begin distinctive?
- Balanced breakfast: every recipe is ready to incorporate many food teams to ensure that you've a healthful balanced breakfast
- Great choice: consists of Indian, Chinese and Western breakfasts to satisfy a great choice of client tastes.
- 100% actual Veggies: We use vegetables preserved with Nutri Freeze science that retains up to 95% of nutrition and style.
- Filled with flavor: thrilling spice mixes produced from actual spices.
- Healthful option: No transfat, cholesterol, MSG or preservatives.
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Monday, June 13, 2011 | 0 Comments
Free Clean & Clear Shampoo
How to obtain totally free sample(Freebie) of CLEAN & CLEAR Blackhead clearing Shampoo?
In December 2010 , clear and distinct had began the comparable type of giveaway and lots of of us have obtained totally free sample of 20gm pack value Rs.27, this time sample particulars haven't been disclosed but it appears like they'll send the same sample once more.
Comply with the beneath steps to get your totally free sample:
- To obtain your 20gm pack of Blackhead CLEAN & CLEAR sampoo ,send a SMS "CLEAR" to 56070
- Soon you will obtain a confirmation message from "TD-CLEAR" following that CLEAN & CLEAR representative will call you , asking about your shipping particulars.
- Please wait for atleast 6-8 hours before representative contacts you.
Note:You will be charged Rs3 for sending SMS message till this is profitable to get absolutely free CLEAN & CLEAR sampoo worth Rs27.
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Sunday, June 12, 2011 | 2 Comments
Freebie products by Sample&Try

Freebie products by Sample&Try
Sample&Try is new name for many people because this is new in industry. Sample&Try is going to be shaping the future of shopping for Indian. Sample&Try has direct relationship with manufacturer of various products so every manufacturer wants to reach maximum consumers in return they roll out sample products for consumers to evaluate their products first. Manufacturer will get your opinion and review their products and they will manufacture products of better quality and based on consumer needs.
Freebie products by Sample&Try is absolutely free to all who registers to Sample&Try website and confirm registration.This is 1 minute task in return you are going to get a lot of free items, free products, free sample, free cool gifts and all freebies.
Freebie products by Sample&Try is restricted to 1 user per house. I got information from Sample&Try that many users signed duplicate and they are validating the form and delivery manually so it is taking time to deliver free sample and different freebies. Please avoid multiple accounts because if you find you will not get any free samples and free products.
I registered this website last night and requested to deliver free gifts and it is in my delivery sample list.You can verify also that which products are going to be send your house.Restriction is that you can not order more than 1 freebie or free sample per week. So each week ,a new free sample wow it is really good.Freebie products by Sample&Try is available at door , just sign up Sample&Try. Keep visiting this blog and share to your friends. We are going to more freebies for you.
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Saturday, June 11, 2011 | 0 Comments
Win DROID or IPhone4 absolutely free
Freebie is the best way to get few new things. I like freebie and always get alot of free stuff and free products so I try to help my readers also to get free items.
What you have to do for this. Just you have to enter your email id and choose your gift you want to win.If you are selected in sweepstake. You will be provided corresponding gifts.Good chance to Win DROID or IPhone4 is through referring your family member or your relatives to this page.
This is open for all so there is no bar where you are staying.
Get your free DROID or IPHONE4 here.
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Thursday, June 02, 2011 | 0 Comments
International Free Call - Tuitalk

Interestingly increasingly more businesses are once more entering the totally free worldwide voip calls marketplace, when some with the established gamers are seeking to transfer to low-cost worldwide calls marketplace. nevertheless the primary concentrate is around the Advertisement primarily based VOIP marketplace. Tuitalk is an additional such start up providing completely totally free worldwide calls in lieu of Advertisement. The ads display up on Tuitalk Soft phone and your calls are limitless so long as there's a sponsor having to pay for it.This is again a good freebie,free offer.
Tuitalk provides a softphone software that you download and install on your PC. It isn't extremely heavy, most likely as a result of reality that it doesn't include numerous functions. you should register on-line and use the credentials obtained to log into the softphone software. Your e-mail address is your login name. do not forget that you should fill in each piece of info in your profile and they call this the prolonged profile to become in a position to obtain the totally free every day 10 minutes. We nonetheless have to know why they require the info.
Let's see how to make use of Tuitalk to create totally free worldwide calls.
1) Register at Tuitalk
2) Activate your account.
3) Login to your Tuitalk screen
4)Place call to destination that is available in country drop down list
5)Once you place call,you will be displayed ad for half a minute ,thereafter your call will be connected to destination.Your call duration will vary based on country you are calling.Like I call to India,I get 2 minutes per call and USA ,6 minutes per call.Maximum you can call 3 times from single account.
Tricks to call unlimited minutes to your relatives or friends, Open many accounts ,your call duration will be automatically increase.I have 4 accounts,once duration gets over in one account ,I sign up with other account.They have no such detection system that will hinder you to call from other account at same IP address.
Sign up free Call any where in the world at Tuitalk. Keep reading our blogs ,we will be posting more free calls software or tricks.
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Monday, May 30, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for watching video-Vagex

Vagex is a view exchange site which will expose your video to thousands of members in order to increase the view count. With this system, YouTube will see all the views your videos are getting and promote it even more, having a sort of viral effect. Moreover you can earn money for every video view ,also you do no need to watch video manually.Just download Vagex viewer and keep this running.
This system is entirely free, just run the Viewer and stack up those credits! Also if you don't like viewing other people's videos, we give you the option to purchase more credits or become an upgraded member.
5 Ways to Earn FREE Credits!
1. Leave the Vagex Viewer running on your computer and earn 1 credit for each site you view. Earn an extra credit if you Auto-Like and an extra credit if you Auto-Subscribe each video (must be logged in to work).
2. Share your referral link with Facebook and earn 1000 bonus credits.
3. Share your referral link with Twitter and earn 1000 bonus credits. Click here to verify your tweets. - Also follow us on twitter
- Free Youtube Views
- Make Money with Youtube
4. Put a link to Vagex on your website, blog or forum and earn 1000 bonus credits. You must own the website or blog, and you must be a member with more than 10 posts on the forum.
5. Create a small video about Vagex and upload it to your youtube channel including your referral link in the description and earn 5,000 bonus credits. (We only award credits for unique videos, not reuploaded ones)
How do I get Paid to View videos?
They will buy back credits at $1/10,000 credits. You need a minimum of $10 to withdraw. All Pay out will be done manually. Send your UserID and the amount you want to withdraw and your PayPal/AlertPay to get paid.
So , Enjoy getting paid for watching video, subscribing video and like video. Join Vagex and get special 50 credits plus 100 credits for verification.
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Friday, May 27, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for opinion and review-Opinion Surveys

Paid survey is good extra income for many people. I heard from different people that they are earning more than $1000 per month only due to Paid survey, Paid for opinion and for review. I am also constantly earning more than $200 from paid survey. Today I am going to post about similar paid survey but sorry guys, this is only available for Indian currently.
Opinion Surveys is looking for people from all walks of life who are interested in receiving some form of compensation or rewards for participating in a wide variety of online surveys. This market research website offers a number of different ways to get involved, and each of these will provide users with some form of compensation.
It is entirely free to participate in this process, and in order to be considered for future studies you will simply have to complete the online registration form, which will be used to create an online profile in order to match you to specific studies.
Current requirement to join this survey-
- You should be Indian national
- Your age should be more than 16 years
Join Opinion Surveys.
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Thursday, May 26, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get your favorite desinged T-shirt free

Are you looking for free T-shirt? I have an offer where you get absolutely free T-shirt but this freebie seems available for UK domicile. If you know in UK, you can send this free T-shirt to his address.
This offer is absolutely free.You will not have to do any thing to get free T-shirt.Company dotmailer which provide email and email marketing services, is giving away free T-shirt but limited in stock.
There's 15 different digital and dotDigital slogans to choose from. Select your favourite (we know it's hard) and your t-shirt will be winging it's way to you. Fill just 1 minute form with your address and wait for your favorite T-shirt to get deliver to your address.
This is the link for promotion - TheBigPink T Shirt
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011 | 0 Comments
Minute Workers pays per task completed

I have already posted many micro jobs related websites. These websites are quite good to earn good amount. You do not need to think about particular job or work. You get here many type of jobs that you can easily do or you can choose what you prefer to work. If you work handsomely you can make money five figures income online doing just few hours daily.
This micro website name is Minute Workers. I am with this website for past 6 month,found good to earn easy $20-30 daily with 1-2 hours effort. This is free to join so do not worry about your investment.
How does this work?
Advertiser provides work to service provider. Any one can be advertiser or service provider. If you want to complete any job, you are service provider. You choose any program you can complete, once job is completed, advertiser will verify your task. After verification,money is credited in your account.
What is the payment method?
They pay your earned money via Alertpay or Paypal. To withdraw your earned income, you should have minimum $10 in your account otherwise if you withdraw amount less than that, $2 will be charged as a service charge.
How much can you expect per task?
The task rate varies from $.05 to $25. It depends upon complexity of task and advertiser financial condition. I have commonly seen $.10-.50 most of the task rate. If you are looking to earn $30 daily, you will have to complete approx. 100-200 tasks. Each task can take minimum 1-5 minutes. Many times this will depend on your computer skill and tricks.
If you are really looking to earn good income, must join this program. You will not be disappointed.

You can join Minute workers here.
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Sunday, May 22, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for Facebook Like through FanSlave

Facebook is the most visited social media on the web and everyone has an account on facebook who surfs Internet.But how many among users are earning money from facebook , this is few only. Do you have facebook account, want to earn money through facebook like(just click like). This program is for you.
FanSlave is a ground-breaking new service, which was designed to inspire the marketing of fanpages on facebook. With this simple system you can enlarge the development of your social network and for example increase people followers, your brand, business, or product. As the first provider in the world FanSlave allows you to make money with your Facebook page.
How does this work?
After the successful registration, you can click through the pages of the FanSlave network. If you like the page, you get FanSlave credits for your efforts, which you can cash out after reaching the minimum threshold.
What is payment structure?
You will get credit and cash for each and every like you do. I have found that every like will make you richer by 2 cents in Euro.Once you reach 15 € (equivalent to 22 $), you can request for payment.
They are running good campaign for new user. You will get instant .25€ in your account if you sign up now.

So join now to FanSlave and make easy money online.
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Saturday, May 21, 2011 | 0 Comments
Micro work perfect online money making jobs-Microworkers

There are many person around the world sitting jobless even well qualified in computer knowledge. Internet is full of hope for them and there are lac and lac jobs available online to do work sitting at home if you have basic computer knowledge. This is not fraud ,this is real and genuine. Micro work is compared with data entry jobs and these jobs are available online at many places. I am going to talk about here micro work.Micro work is small task that business process unit provides to third world to get completed at the cheapest rate. There are many micro websites but here I am going to talk about only at microworkers. I will update other micro website at other post.
What is microworkers?
This is a web portal which provide micro jobs to service provider to get completed and in return get paid for this.And the same time,advertisers advertise their products at the cheapest rate.This is what you can see at microworkers website-
"Microworkers is a service of Weblabcenter, Inc.Our advertiser solutions help you reach your customers across the world, and help you generate natural - organic web traffic. Our publisher solutions help you generate income as a result of your website popularity or actions performed by your website visitors."
Microworkers is an innovative, International online platform that connects Employers and Workers from around the world. Our unique approach guarantee Employers that a task paid is a task successfully done, while at the same time guaranteeing Workers that a job completed is a job paid.
Who are the Employers?
Anyone can be an Employer. If you own an online business, a blog, a contest entry or simply need referrals for your favorite programs, Microworkers is definitely the place to come and have your small tasks assigned to tens of thousands of active Workers who are always ready to complete your job.
Who are the Workers?
Anyone can also be a Worker. You can be a stay-at-home mom, a student who needs extra spending money, or if you simply love helping others while making some extra cash alongside, this is the place for you.
How do you earn money?
Upon signing up for the Microworkers program, you automatically receive a $1 sign-up bonus to your account.If you wish to look for “micro jobs”, click on the Available Jobs link and browse through the hundreds of listed tasks. Each task will display a set of instructions, the time to complete it and the amount you will earn for finishing the job. If you believe you can finish the task, click on I accept this job and the page will display a form where you can enter the proof required by the Employer. Otherwise, click on Not interested in this job.
How and when do I get paid?
Once the Employer reviews your submitted task and approves it, the amount assigned for that particular job is automatically credited to your account balance. If Employer forgets to rate tasks, they will be automatically closed by the system in 168 hours and will be rated "Satisfied". Likewise, the money will be deposited in your account. No task will remain open for a long period of time.When your earnings reach $9, you will be allowed to place a withdrawal request. To do so, click on the Withdraw tab from the top menu, then click on the Place a new Withdrawal Request link. You can choose a withdrawal method between PayPal, Moneybookers or Alertpay, as well as the amount you only wish to withdraw.
If you are looking for online jobs,home jobs,part time jobs , microworkers is for you. Sign up free microworkers here and start making money online.
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Monday, May 09, 2011 | 0 Comments
International Paid Survey Permission Research

Permission Research is one of the largest Internet research firms having more than 2 million members worldwide. Permission Research collects anonymous information from its users to help understand how people think about particular products or software and what is your opinion and view on particular product. Your opinion helps to product manufacturing company to improve their products.
In exchange for collecting information from you Permission Research gives you cash money and access to games and free software downloads as well as other benefits. The software downloads currently available from Permission Research are:
- E-mail Virus protection – scans your emails for viruses
- Games – download games option
- Screensavers –screen savers for your desktop
- PrivateSurf –erases your internet browsing history
- FileShield – encrypt and decrypt specified files and folders
- MyVirtualDisk –store your private files on a secure online drive
Permission Research provides online surveys once or twice in a month.Participation is your choice. The surveys are 100% optional and by taking them you are entered into prize drawings and you earn Permission Rewards. These Permission Rewards are points that you can redeem for great prizes.
Permission Research allows participation for many countries so you can join and win the prizes. Each month one winner is chosen to win $100 and they are then entered into the grand prize drawing where they can win up to $100,000 cash!. You can join Permission Research here.
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Saturday, May 07, 2011 | 1 Comments
Free sample Welch’s Fruit Snacks

This is again a freebie , free sample products but sorry guys this available for USA only. Do you want to get free sample of Welch’s Fruit Snacks? If yes, this is specially for you then.
Lifescriptadvantage is giving away this free sample for just filling your e-mail details and membership details.
You can go directly Lifescriptadvantage link and fill your details and get your favorite Welch’s Fruit Snacks.
Offer is valid till stock exists so visit Lifescriptadvantage link as soon as possible to get your free sample Welch’s Fruit Snacks product.
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Saturday, May 07, 2011 | 0 Comments
Free shampoo and gift hamper offer-Dove India
Currently Dove is running promotional offer for woman in which they are distributing free DOVE shampoo and gift hamper. This offer is mainly for woman and offer exists from March 26th to 31st May,2011 but distribution of freebies limited to first 50000 people only.
There are 2 ways to get DOVE freebie-
- Go to DOVE India website and submit your details to get freebie.This is DOVE India Link
- Send SMS "Dove" to "099671 99671" and then they will confirm your order by requesting your name and address details to send your freebie.
- Just you submit your details for freebie.You get DOVE shampoo only.This is Web link for DOVE India
- Refer your 2 friends and get DOVE gift hamper.This is link for DOVE India offer.

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Monday, May 02, 2011 | 0 Comments
Free unlimited file sharing plus make money sharing Gygan
What is Gygan?
Gygan has the features you need to easily upload, download, manage, and share your videos, photos, audio files, documents, or just about anything. Moreover,you have opportunity to make money or earn money just sharing this to your friends.
How do you sign up?
Sign up to Gygan is quite easy and free. You just click Gygan link and fill your details and click create new account. That's it.
How can you earn money?
You can earn money using this program directly and indirectly. If you refer friends to join this program,you will get paid directly or you will get paid for pay per install. Sharing files and providing link to your shared file URL will make you earn good income indirectly or can increase your traffic to your website or blog.
Currently they are running special promotion,join now and get extra promotional bonus.Join Gygan here.
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Sunday, May 01, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for Twitter tweet-TwtMob

Now a days many individuals are earning good revenue from social media like twitter,fb ,digg etc.I have posted earlier too about how you can earn cash using social media.At the moment I'm going to explain a few actually good cash making program utilizing twitter tweet.You want tweeting and you've got good number of followers.If sure,that is for you.Earning is handsome much more than my expectation.Do not be so desperate to know but I do know your eagerness ,this program is ..........TwtMob.Have you ever heard about this?No,no concern,they're twitter advertising firm.TwtMob helps you monetize your Twitter, Fb and social media accounts. They find advertisers and campaigns that match your preferences. You control the tweets which might be dispatched out, in addition to management the messaging. Every time you send out a campaign tweet your account gets credited chilly onerous cash.
The way it works?
First enroll your twitter account with TwtMob. Await campaign and when you get campaign ,tweet the campaign in return gets money and money.
Pictorial view below

What are the payment methods and minimum threshold?
The payment strategies are Checks, PayPal and all major types of Credit Cards.The minimum threshold to get payment is $50.You could have been a twtMob member for greater than 30 days you'll be able to click on Withdrawal Request under Handle Profiles to request a withdrawal. Your request shall be processed on the 1st of the month after an eligible request. Request a withdrawal on the fifteenth of March and payment shall be received April 1st.
Who determines my price for each tweet?
Their algorithm determines the worth of your tweets. It appears to be like at a number of elements and makes adjustments frequently based mostly on number of followers, past performance, of retweets, @ replies you obtain and more. Usually in case you have more influence you're going to get paid more.
I will recommend you to join TwtMob now in an effort to not miss opportunity to earn through just tweeting(Twitter tweet).Each tweet is paid tweet and Twitter tweet is easy to carry out, just few second work.Be part of TwtMob here.
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Thursday, April 28, 2011 | 0 Comments
Voipbuster:Make call free internationally

What's going to you assume if in case you have choice to call ISD(International call) free of cost? Isn't it great? I obtained few tips and method to call ISD absolutely free.There isn't a dishonest and scam. I'll publish every program in separate post so do not miss all this reading as a result of lastly you'll call your relative and associates completely free.
First methodology ,try to use Voipbuster.This is free VOIP service used to call many countries free.
How does it work? It's important to download voipbuster application to your system .Open your account and Add your mobile to link with destination cell or telephone.Your individual mobile will get connected along with your relative or buddy mobile so you don't want to take a seat round your PC or Laptop.
Country which you can make call free are below display-

If you want to call some other nation which is not mentioned in above checklist,you will have to pay small quantity for that but don't worry I have another program by way of which you can make call free also so preserve visiting right here and get new ideas and methods to call anywhere absolutely free.
You can join Voipbuster here.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011 | 0 Comments
Free domain with make money for referral:CO.CC

Internet is hope for million of people because this is source for earning for them.Million of them are absolutely dependent of online income and home jobs.These individuals never started these business on the spot,they started these business from scrap.There are numerous individuals who needs to determine themself on web but they haven't concept how to do that or they don't invest any money on this.This program is for them who need to start his online business with free domain and need to earn money by referring for this.This program is free domain with DNS service.
An individual who's searching for free domain with DNS support.They will get free domain from never cost in your favorite domain.Sure high worth key phrases domain is charged for $3 .If you are considering to try with free domain, is good choice to start your business.
You will get 5 free domain from one email account and might use to host anywhere.
You've got option to earn cash also.If you refer your friend to get domain here,you'll get $.10(10 cents).This isn't bad deal .Right here you are getting cash as properly as free domain rather than paying $20 for domain.You will get payment in your Paypal account and the minimum threshold is $1.So begin your web presence with free domain .Get your free area here.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011 | 0 Comments
Get paid for sharing photos with Shareapic

Shareapic is similar like other free image hosting websites such as Flickr and Photobucket but what differs Shareapic with those free image hosting website is that they share the revenue generated by Shareapic itself with their members.Shareapic pays you to host pictures there, you earn money depending on how many views you get. The website makes money from advertising and also provides you with codes so that you can put the photos on forums, blogs and websites etc.
Shareapic looks a bit tacky compared to the likes of flickr or picasa, the quality of the images is initially low and this gives the photos a blurred feeling until you click on them, the website also has a lot of advertisements. If you don't care too much about layout though and are simply looking to make money then it is possible, many people upload photographs of Celebes, funny photos, crashes and earn from getting views.
Benefit to join-
- Upload 2GB size of pictures
- No file size restrictions
- Create unlimited galleries
- $0.22 CPM or per 1000 picture views
- You can place Bidvertiser code in your image and gallery pages
- 30 days pay out
- One click posting to major social networking websites like facebook and myspace.
Your earning depends on how serious you are to earn money because more effort you make ,more you will get paid.Post your image link at social media and high traffic forum and see your income will grow like anything.

Have fun sharing your photos and make easy money from it. You can join Shareapic here.
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Friday, April 22, 2011 | 0 Comments for each click is a new name in the way of making easy money online.Sometimes you experience problems with long URL, but you do not know the long URL for short URL service provider, but here you do not need worry.This website will make short URL and it will pay you for every click.How you feel now? Is not that interesting?
It only takes about 2 minutes to register, confirm and activate your account. Then it takes about 5 seconds to convert URL links you to a URL link Adf. Then you post the links Adf where you want, as long as you do not spam.
Adf has a solid pay average of $ 4 - $ 10 per 1000 clicks. This ultimately depends on which country belongs to the user. Your account will track all your stats and give you a real time total received, exhibits and live where the clickers.
Adf also gives a pre-scale update rate for each country in its members section.
Currently, Adf allows you to withdraw your money earned after reaching $ 5. This is very little compared with other sites. Adf currently pays through Pay Pal and Pay alert.
Another great feature is that it is Adf referral program. The site offers 20% of salary to anyone you designate. Adf automatically gives you a reference ID in the reference guide in your account page. It's up on top and you can not miss it.
Adf also allows the option to advertise your site, services or products through your company. When registering, you have the option of being a "Link Shrinker" or an "advertiser."
So what are you waiting for? Join
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Sunday, April 17, 2011 | 0 Comments
Gptreasure:Get paid to complete offer
This program is Gptreasure and I hope many of you have heard about this program. This is a nice website to earn hundred bugs doing some simple sign up or completion of survey.Like other such pay for sign up and paid survey website,this is also similar. I only found quality thing here that your offer is not going to expire if you click any link to complete.Unlike you get some survey link to complete but when you click link you get info that this survey is closed.......
How to join Gptreasure? This is free to join. What have you to do just click any Gptreasure link and go to Gptreasure website ,fill one minute simple form and start earning money.
How to earn money and what is payment mode and threshold amount? Once you complete any offer and survey . Visit to myoffer page then submit your completed offer and your Paypal and Alertpay email to get paid. There is minimum threshold amount to withdraw your earned money. You will get your money every week between Tuesday and Wednesday.
Join now and get paid next week ......Start making money online with Gptreasure.
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Sunday, April 17, 2011 | 0 Comments
Instant mobile recharge while you surf your favorite sites
You need to register with your mobile number and email ID to verify your account and once the account is activated you just refer your friends or do any of the following to add balance to your wallet.
It gives you multiple ways to “fill your wallet” and redeem it later for a recharge or a ticket. You can upload a funny SMS to earn recharge points, or you can earn referral. Incentives by registering to the premium membership of clients’ sites or using them for any transactions like buying tickets, booking hotels, or shopping gifts and goodies online.
Inviting friends to amulyam gives it’s users 20% commission of what their friends make when they join and complete the fist offer. It helps amulyam users to get more free prepaid mobile recharge or movie tickets even when their friends register on websites, buys train tickets or flight tickets etc.
Using amulyam’s the smartest instant incentive model, advertisers get the sales or registrations that they need and users can instantly get the benefit in the form of free prepaid mobile recharge or movie tickets. Spending few minutes on amulyam before registering or purchasing something from any website looks worth for consumer’s time and effort.
You can join Amulyam free of cost here.
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Friday, January 21, 2011 | 0 Comments